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Meditation: 15 min to refocus on yourself

Meditation: 15 min to refocus on yourself

Meditation: 15 min to refocus on yourself

Meditating ... It is to make an appointment with oneself to refocus on its center of gravity.

15 minutes a day are enough!A simple and easy method to calm our daily lives.It is important to choose a quiet and quiet room, very refined, without disturbing objects (telephone, television, computer ...)Here is the method:1- Sit cross-legged, on a floor mat, with your back straight, and keep your eyes half closed.2- Place a candle, about 1 meter from you, that you will fix.3- Concentrate on this little flame, without thinking of anything else. In the first moments, ideas will cross your mind, let them pass, do not dwell on it. Create a vacuum.4- Breathe calmly ...5- Gradually, you will feel inner calm, energy, a new strength to face the outside.6- On your inner journey, decide to thank someone who brought you a lot. Every day you will change people. Then you will look for what you really want, not what meets a professional obligation, family or social convention. It is the search for "your goal".7- Learn to consider your goal as a fait accompli.8- Start by replacing the jealousy by admiration. You will concentrate your energy and increase your chances of success!This method of meditation will gently lead you to the path of "full consciousness".You will live the moments present serenely, without nostalgia of the past, nor worries for the future!Current life imposes a steady rhythm, we are rarely "alone" but yet the feeling of loneliness sometimes torments us ...A very telling example of loneliness today, is to meet, during a meal, surrounded by guests hanging on their mobile phone. What could be a moment of sharing and communication is actually a juxtaposition of existences that address the word only to ask for the basket of bread ...Through meditation, you will learn to listen better, know you and soothe you.Discover the other, observe his face, his eyes, his gestures ... Try to understand the said and the unspoken, this is an essential step.You will learn how to break the solitude of others and yours!This method of meditation can be practiced by children. It is enough to guide them in their journey so that they reach the full consciousness.This relaxation technique brings well-being and serenity of the mind to the everyday.For the child, focusing on the flame of the candle already allows an overall appeasement, then from 6/7 years you can begin to guide your child. It is important not to impose our goals, as your child chooses his or her life path.Practice daily mediation for a so healthy life!^

keywords content:

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